<& /designobservercomp/header.comp, site=>1, adcols=>2 &> <& /designobservercomp/nav_designobserver.comp &>
50 Books/50 Covers

<& /designobserver/50Books50Covers/5050-2011-nav.comp &>
Information & Guidelines Judges & Advisors Nominate a Book Nominations Winners


% if (!$sessid){ Please log in to manage your entries.



% } else { Here are a list of the books you have entered and the status of each entry. Entry stauts can be entered (the entry has been entered by you, but not reviewed by the Design Observer staff), approved (the entry has been approved by the Design Observer staff) and completed (the entry has been paid for and images have been uploaded). Click on the book title to finish your entry.

% if ($#books >= 0){ % for ($i = 0; $i <= $#books; $i++){ % }
% if ($books[$i][2] ne "entered"){ % } <%$books[$i][0]%><%$books[$i][1]%> % if ($books[$i][2] eq "entered"){ ENTERED % } elsif ($books[$i][2] eq "approved"){ APPROVED % } elsif ($books[$i][2] eq "completed"){ COMPLETED % }
% } else { No books were found. % } % }
<& /designobservercomp/adDOG_2col.comp &>
<& /designobservercomp/footer.comp &> <%init> use RubyCore::ObjectInit; use designobserver::Config(); my $rso = new RubyCore::ObjectInit { %designobserver::Config::c }; $rso->dbconnect(); my ($i, $sql, $sth, $createdby); my @temp; my @books; my $cookie_header = $r->headers_in->get('Cookie'); my @cookies = split (";",$cookie_header); my ($key,$value,$sessid); foreach my $cookie (@cookies){ ($key,$value) = split("=",$cookie); if ($key eq "DO" || $key eq " DO"){ $sessid = $value; } } $sql = "SELECT signupid from sitesessions WHERE session = ?"; $sth = $rso->dosqlp($sql,$sessid); $createdby = $sth -> fetchrow_array(); $sql = "SELECT title, author, entrystatus, id FROM 5050_2013 WHERE createdby=?"; $sth = $rso->dosqlp($sql,$createdby); while (@temp = $sth->fetchrow_array ()){ push @books, [@temp]; #add each array reference to the news array }