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About the Design Observer iPhone App

We are very interested to hear what you think of the Design Observer App. Please submit feedback and/or questions to designobserver [at] winterhouse.com.

iPhone App screenshots
Left: Design Observer iPhone App: most recent posts. Right: Mondrian view to visually browse posts 

The Design Observer iPhone App, now available for FREE to all users on the App Store, offers a quick way to survey what's new every day at the world's leading online design journal. It provides a superior mobile reading experience for all articles and allows readers to easily browse a wealth of DO content by channel, by author or by topic. Our special Mondrian view offers users an innovative, immersive interface for visually exploring articles by key images.

iPhone App screenshots
Design Observer iPhone App offers a variety of ways to find articles by channel (left) or author (right), as well as by topic, and you can easily save your favorite posts
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