October 15, 2014
Announcing The Observatory
Here is a preview of The Observatory, a new podcast we’re developing at Design Observer. In each episode, Jessica Helfand and Michael Bierut talk about a few things going on in the world of design that have caught their attention. On this pilot episode, they talk about:
- A sign on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago and new regulations it inspired.
- The demolished Kentile Floors sign in Brooklyn
- Sam Potts’ critique of The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst
- The Crystal Goblet, by Beatrice Warde
- The New York City Transit Authority Graphic Standards Manual
- Stamp designer Howard Paine (1929–2014)
Have a listen, and stay tuned for a new episode every month!
Thanks to our sponsor, MailChimp, and to Teddy Blanks for theme music.
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By The Editors