Adrian Shaughnessy
Showing 37 – 48 of 64 results

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
The Design Conference
An outmoded format or an essential feature of the design calendar?

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Ten Graphic Design Paradoxes
Paradoxometer prototyped by Adrian Shaughnessy. Artwork by Tea DesignĂ‚Â I’ve just finished writing a book about graphic design. Yep, just what the world needs — another graphic design book. In my defence, the book is about the …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Dialogues
Obsessive Branding Disorder I
Obsessive Branding Disorder by Lucas Conley is a book that graphic designers can place on their shelves next to Virginia Postrel’s The Substance of Style. Both books are written by non-designers and both shine a spotlight onto the nature …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
A Layperson's Guide to Graphic Design
This is an edited transcript of a radio broadcast by Adrian Shaughnessy aired as part of the London-based radio station Resonance FM’s Free University of the Airwaves. Shaughnessy had 30 minutes to introduce graphic design to a …

Rick Poynor|Dialogues
We Found It at the Movies: Part II
The second installment of Rick Poynor and Adrian Shaughnessy’s conversation about film. Can genre movies express a personal vision? Are films blurring into other media? And what’s the state of film culture today?

Rick Poynor|Dialogues
We Found It at the Movies: Part I
Rick Poynor: Looking back, it’s surprising how long we’d known each other before it emerged that we shared an obsession for film. Adrian Shaughnessy: Your obsession with film came as a surprise. Before lending you …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
The Design Observer Playlist
I’ve never worked in a design studio where music wasn’t played pretty much constantly. Nor can I recall visiting a studio where music wasn’t being played, or where designers weren’t wired up to headphones and bobbing rhythmically …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Look and Feel / Nip and Tuck
I first heard the term "look and feel" in the early days of web-design. I found it an odd phrase. When web developers used it I couldn't be sure if they were talking about graphic design or some new hybrid form of design for the web and …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Graphic Editorship
Cover of Bibliodyssey: Amazing Archival Images from the Internet, based on the weblog by PK; designed, edited and published by FuelAre graphic design skills transferable? Does being a graphic designer equip a person to do anything other …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
The Designer's Virus
"Bubonic Plague," in Albert Fournier, Atlas de Bactériologie, ca. 1910. (Collection: Winterhouse)I took part in the recent Eye magazine debate in London on the relationship between design and marketing. Also on the panel was a …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Tony Wilson: The Postmodern Mythmaker
A Factory Sample Too, 7-inch EP. Design by Mat Cook, Intro. 1995.Tony Wilson, founder of Factory records, died on last Friday, August 10. He'd been fighting cancer for some time. Wilson had many claims to fame: he was a successful …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Barnbrook Bible: A Graphic Autobiography
Barnbrook Bible, cover, 2007.Jonathan Barnbrook's new book, Barnbrook Bible, ranks amongst the most ambitious personal projects undertaken by any graphic designer. It is a 330-page monograph bursting with dazzling refinement. Throughout …