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Lee Moreau

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Lee Moreau|Audio

Design As S1E0: Introduction

Introducing “Design As,” a new podcast from Design Observer that focuses on culture, complexity, and citizenship.

Cindy Chastain|Conversations

Design Observer x Mastercard

For three days in March, we gathered with some sixty people—designers and scholars, social entrepreneurs and independent consultants, creative leaders and senior practitioners from across a range of industries—to discuss the …

Liz Danzico|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E11: The Microphone

How many microphones are in the room you are in? Did you count the ones in your earbuds? On your phone? Your smart device? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Liz Danzico discuss the microphone as an embedded …

Liz Danzico|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E8: The Car Radio

What do you listen to when you are in your car? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Liz Danzico discuss the car radio and what sounds you are conditioned to hear.

Sara Hendren|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E7: The Refrigerator

On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Sara Hendren discuss designing for health and safety within the everyday context of refrigeration and the mysterious coldscape.

Sloan Leo|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E6: The Bug Zapper

On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Sloan Leo go deep on how human-centered design doesn’t always reflect humanity.

Rachel Lehrer|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E5: The Air Conditioner

On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Rachel Lehrer discuss the pleasures and pains of air conditioning for ourselves and the sustrainability of the planet.

Sloan Leo|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E3: The Blender

Do you have a blender? Do you use it? Does it make your life more convenient? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Sloan Leo discuss the blender, gender roles, and power structures.

Liz Danzico|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E2: The Dongle

What does our need for dongles say about the sustainability, or obsolescence, of the electronics we are designing and consuming? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Liz Danzico discuss dongles and how we might find a …

Rachel Lehrer|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E1: The Disco Ball

What are the relationships between design and pleasure? And how can we design the most pleasurable experiences? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and Rachel Lehrer discuss the disco ball and the importance of embodied …

Lee Moreau|Audio

The Futures Archive S2E0: Introductions

Introducing the four co-hosts of season two of The Futures Archive.

Lee Moreau|Audio

The Futures Archive S1E12: The Pet

Do you have a pet? Do you name inanimate objects in your life? On this episode of The Futures Archive Lee Moreau and guest host Liz Danzico discuss her dog Harriet, and the anthropomorphization of things. With additional insights from …


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