Mark Lamster
Showing 157 – 168 of 308 results

Mark Lamster|Essays
Artist! Lover! Swordsman!
“No man could outfight him — No woman could resist his charm.” So reads the copy on this pulp cover from 1953.

Mark Lamster|Essays
A Matter of Perspective?
The Vancouver Sun has run a long follow-up story, by Jennifer Moss, to my Los Angeles Times pieceon the plagiarism charges leveled by Sze Tsung Leong against David Burden

Mark Lamster|Essays
Bruce Graham, 1925-2010
It's been a tough stretch for muscular, brooding architecture. Last week, Raimund Abraham, the uncompromising architect of New York's Austrian Cultural Forum was killed in an automotive accident.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Raimund Abraham, 2010
Herbert Muschamp often griped that New York was allergic to "serious architecture," a refrain frequently aped by his successor, Nicolai Ourousoff.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Writer's Voice
My interview with Francesca Rheannon of NPR's Writer's Voice is now online.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Double Vision: Did David Burdeny Copy Sze Tsung Leong?
When does inspiration cross over the line into plagiarism and copyright infringement?

Mark Lamster|Essays
The New Barnes: Triumph or Travesty?
There's been no more contentious subject in the art world over the last decade than the status of the Barnes Foundation and its decision to forsake its suburban home for a new museum on Philly's Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Three Days in Vegas
My stab at narrative travel journalism.

Mark Lamster|Essays
London Calling
Back in my old life as an editor at Princeton Architectural Press, I had the great pleasure of editing (and designing) the Architecture of Diplomacy, which remains the definitive history of the American embassy building program.

Mark Lamster|Reviews
What Am I Doing Here? Tall Buildings and High Anxiety in Las Vegas
I spent three days in a new entertainment complex, CityCenter, in Las Vegas. What follows is a diary of my experience in that time.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Overkill, Design Publishing Dept.
I have a piece out in the new issue of Dwell, a peek at a modest kitchen reno in Brooklyn. It's not online yet.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Observing Design
I'm pleased to announce that I've joined the distinguished slate of contributing editors to Design Observer, what I consider to be the premier site on the web for writing on design in its many disciplines.
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