Mark Lamster
Showing 205 – 216 of 308 results

Mark Lamster|Essays
The Art of Diplomacy
It's a rather satisfying bit of parallelism that the excerpt of my book on the political career of Peter Paul Rubens appears in the Wall Street Journal on the same day that Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize is the …

Mark Lamster|Essays
A Bibliophile's Revelation
Domenichino's St. John the Evangelist seems, as much as anything, a celebration of the act of writing and the ecstasy of the written word.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Tiepolo Pink
I'm happy and honored to report that Master of Shadows has been named an Indie Next Notable Book for November by IndieBound.

Mark Lamster|Essays
We Regret to Inform You That Love Will Not Save the Day
The big story on East 7th Street these days is the opening of Thom Mayne's new student center for Cooper Union, on Third Avenue.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Ron Arad at MoMA
I'm not sold on Arad as an architect, but his material experimentation is certainly admirable

Mark Lamster|Essays
People of the Book
I'll be participating in my first event to celebrate the publication of Master of Shadows on October 6th, here in New York City.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Underground Architects
The one question people often ask that I don't enjoy answering is, "Who's your favorite architect?"

Mark Lamster|Essays
Fire at Rubens's St. Charles Borromeo
An electrical fire has done severe damage to the interior of Antwerp's St. Charles Borromeo.

Mark Lamster|Essays
The Lion of Belgium
In the history of strange maps, this image of Belgium as a lion, printed in 1611 by cartographer Jodicus Hondius of Amsterdam, is surely a classic

Mark Lamster|Essays
The Om in Home: Kripalu's New Dorm
I'm not a big yoga fan, and always looked at the Kripalu Yoga Center, in Lenox, with a fair degree of skepticism.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Auto-Matic Abstraction
With their zippy vertical lines, these pictures I shot out of a car window remind me of Barney Newman.

Mark Lamster|Essays
Rough-Cut Redux: Amazon Makes A Change We Can Believe In
Last week, I noted the strange appearance of the all-capped phrase "ROUGH-CUT EDGE" displayed adjacent to the title of my book on
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