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Mark Lamster

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Mark Lamster|Essays

The Real Thing

Tropicana has been getting a lot of flack over its redesigned juice cartons. Steve Heller called the rebranding "a mistake." Jason Kottke simply dubbed it "sucky." Let me respectfully disagree.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Pastrami on Rye

A new project: documenting some favorite New York dining establishments.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Complaint Dept. (Redux)

Most complaints in sixty seconds, a new world record. You've read the transcript. Now watch the video.

Mark Lamster|Essays

A Letter to the President

A letter to Barack Obama the day after his inauguration.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Master of Shadows: The Cover

Behold the cover for Master of Shadows, which releases this coming October.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Who Needs Two?

In this brutal economy, the Yankees have enlisted Prudential Douglas Elliman to help them move high-end seats at their new stadium.

Mark Lamster|Essays


Billy Crystal is one of those guests talk show producers adore, and if you were watching Letterman last night you know why.

Mark Lamster|Essays

If the Wire Cast Was a Football Team

The Baltimore Ravens look pretty formidable going into the AFC Championship game, but I wonder if this squad from Charm City could give them a run for their money.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Complaint Dept.

The complaint has always been my great metier, the form in which I am a non-pareil master. Last night I became an honest-to-goodness world record holder in my favored idiom.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Le Corbusier: Tres Grand

"Just how much personal history do we require to truly understand an artist’s body of work?" That's the question that launched my review of Nicholas Fox Weber's biography of the architect Le Corbusier.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Malcolm and Alex

Just how much of an outlier is Alex Rodriguez?

Mark Lamster|Baseball

Yankee Stadium: Remembered

Memories of Yankee Staidum vary for every fan, but the feeling of pure American nostalgia is the same for all.


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