Showing 313 – 324 of 395 results
Signs We Love : 02
“No Photography”, photographer and location unknown.
Graphic Design : History in the Writing
The first anthology of its kind, Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011) comprises some of the most influential published texts about graphic design history.
Signs We Love : 01
Photographed in Cape Town, South Africa by Fiona Drenttel, March 2010
Week in Review: 05.19.12
Unusual Suspects, 60's architecture, trees, food waste, glass walls, Texas...just some of the topics on Design Observer this week.
Poetry Editor: Adam Plunkett
We are pleased to announce that Adam Plunkett, who has previously written for The New Republic, n+1, Bookforum, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and other publications, is joining Design Observer for the next year as our Poetry Editor.
Observed|Shameless Promotions
The Hypothetical Development Organization
The Hypothetical Development Organization will be included in the 13th International Venice Architecture Biennale.
Observed|New Ideas
The Architecture of Television
Brandi Roberts is an interior designer by training and TV afficionado by choice who draws fictional floorplans of classic television shows.
Observed|Shameless Promotions
Women, Equity, Architecture
Parlour, a new Australian site with the tagline"Women, Equity, Architecture", has a dual project: creating a forum for discussion of and opportunities for women in architecture, and reporting on research, scholarship and the history of …
Why We Look
Marvin Heiferman, the insightful American writer and curator whose observations about photography and visual culture are well worth following, is now tweeting at @whywelook
Observed|Shameless Promotions
Oded Ezer and Typographic Experimentation
Typgraphic innovator Oded Ezer is featured in two recent podcasts from Radio RTÉ Ireland.
Make a Mixel this Weekend
This weekend the folks at Mixel, an amazing collaborative collage app for the iPad, want to spread the word about how easy (and fun) it is.
Observed|Recommended Books
A Pattern Language
Alexandra Lange reviews A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander.