Rick Poynor
Showing 13 – 24 of 263 results

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Ford Motor Plant by Charles Sheeler
The cathedral of industry

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Adamanese Man by Maurice Vidal Portman
Photography for anthropologists

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Domestic Interior by Nicole Bachmann
Design for everyday life?

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Cement Sky by Marla Rutherford
A fetish for motels

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Wintery Forest by Yang Yongliang
Building the new China

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Guts of the Beast by Marcus Nilsson
How to take a food picture

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Woman Mourning by Don McCullin
What are images of suffering for?

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Cabaret de l'Enfer by Harry C. Ellis
The ghoulish cavern in the villa of Ormen

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Chimpanzee by James Mollison
Looking into the face of an ape

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Operating Room by Augustine H. Folsom
Early surgery as public theater

Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Francis Bacon by Bill Brandt
Portrait of the artist or photographer?

Rick Poynor|Books
The Observer Decameron—Eighth Day
The top ten books of 2015 picked by our contributors