August 23, 2010
Case Study Use: Teaching History and Notes for Educators
Case Study Use: Teaching History
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate MBA
Course: Management 833: Designers Designing Design
When: Winter 2012 (February)
Professors: William Drenttel and Michael Bierut, Senior Faculty Fellows
Case: Project Masiluleke (frog design and Pop!Teach)
School & Location: Kellogg School of Management/McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Level: Graduate MBA and MEM (Master of Engineering Management)
Course: DSGN 490 Design Thinking (MMMprogram)
When: Winter 2012 (January)
Professors: Greg Holderfield, Distinguished Fellow, Segal Design Institute, co-Director MMMprogram
Case: Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate MBA
Course: Management 529: Global Social Entrepreneurship (Program in Social Enterprise)
When: November 2011
Professors: William Drenttel, Senior Faculty Fellow (with Robert Fabricant, frog design)
Case: Project Masiluleke (frog design and Pop!Teach)
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate MBA
Course: Core: Innovators Perspective
When: Spring 2011
Professors: Rodrigo Canales, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior (with Nicholas LaRusso, Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation)
Case: Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate Executive Education
Course: Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders Program (AIGA)
When: July 2011
Professors: Rodrigo Canales, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate Executive Education
Course: Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders Program (AIGA)
When: July 2010
Professors: Anthony Sheldon, Lecturer in Economic Development & Executive Director of the Program on Social Enterprise, and William Drenttel, Senior Faculty Fellow
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate MBA
Course: Management 529: Global Social Entrepreneurship (Program in Social Enterprise)
When: Fall 2010 (October)
Professor: Anthony Sheldon, Lecturer in Economic Development & Executive Director of the Program on Social Enterprise
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Level: Graduate MFA
Course: Design in 3-Dimensions. (Program in MFA Design: Designer As Author)
When: Fall 2010 (November)
Professor: Allan Chochinov, Adjunct Faculty (with guest lecturer Anthony Sheldon, Executive Director of the Program on Social Enterprise, Yale School of Management)
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Level: Graduate Program in Design, Stanford Design Program, d.school
Course: ME 313: Human Values and Innovation
When: Fall 2010 (September)
Professor: Banny Banerjee, Director, Stanford Design Program, and Associate Professor, Design Group, Mechanical Engineering Department
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Level: Graduate — Professional Studies
Course: LDSP5000 – Current Issues in Leadership
When: September 13 — December 17, 2010
Professor: Ronald C. Johnson, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, APSE
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Level: Undergraduate (Seniors) and Graduate MFA Program in Design
Course: Design 51-407/807: Social Impact by Design
When: Fall 2010
Professors: Bruce Hanington, Associate Professor and Area Head of Industrial Design, and Terry Irwin, Professor and Head of School of Design
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Kellogg School of Management/McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Level: Graduate MBA Education
Course: MMM Integration Course
When: January 2011
Professor: Elizabeth Gerber, Assistant Professor in the Segal Design Institute
Case: Mayo Clinic – Design Thinking in Health Care
School & Location: Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD), Savannah, GE
Level: Graduate MFA
Course: Print Studio II
When: Winter 2011 (January-March)
Professor: Joseph DiGioia
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
School & Location: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT
Level: Graduate MBA
Course: Management 833: Designers Designing Design
When: Winter 2011 (February)
Professors: William Drenttel and Michael Bierut, Senior Faculty Fellows
Case: SELCO Solar Energy
In order to track usage of this case, please report use and share curriculum context with Yale School of Management. Reports may be send by email to Jaan Elias at [email protected] (please put “SELCO case” in the title line of the email). We also welcome any comments about faculty classroom experiences with this case.
Teaching Notes for Educators
Teaching notes for educators are available upon request. Please email to Jaan Elias at [email protected] (please put “SELCO case” in the title line of the email), and note your name, the name of your institution, and course title.
This SELCO case study is the first in a series of case studies on Design and Social Enterprise funded by the Rockefeller Foundation through a grant to the Winterhouse Institute. The text and videos in this case are published by the Yale School of Management and Change Observer, part of the Design Observer Group, under a Creative Commons License for free noncommercial use with attribution, and may be used, disseminated and taught without fees or permission. However, documents or external web sites linked to in the case may be covered by their own terms of usage as indicated on the web site or document in question.
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By William Drenttel
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