Category: Opinions
Showing 25 – 36 of 65 results
Brian LaRossa|Opinions
De-specializing Design Education
Certification represents an assurance of quality, but also implies exclusivity. What about design?
Ashleigh Axios|Opinions
To Be a Design-Led Company
Over the last 10 years, design-led companies have maintained significant stock market advantage, outperforming the S&P by an extraordinary 211%.
Cheryl Heller|Opinions
Dear Jeff Bezos, Have You Ever Been to the Amazon?
It wouldn’t really be that hard to save the Amazon. Especially for you.
Brian LaRossa|Opinions
Empathy in Book Publishing
On The intersection of customer empathy and book publishing.
Brian LaRossa|Opinions
Privilege-Centered Design
“The reader you construct in your imagination changes the way you write almost without your noticing it.”
Brian LaRossa|Opinions
What’s in a Name: How The Title “Art Director” Limits the Role of Design in Publishing
“So, what does an art director do anyway?”
Sara Duell|Opinions
Women's March on Washington: strong in number, but how about design?
On this International Womens Day Sara Duell considers the Women’s March on Washington logo
Michael Bierut|Opinions
Let’s Get to Work
We must bear in mind that democracy is about who we are, not who’s temporarily in office.
Jessica Helfand|Opinions
The Language of Torture
A few words on the magnitude of the primary source
Jessica Helfand|Opinions
Questionable Inheritances
Today, a search for Paul Rand will bring you, in seconds, to Rand Paul. But it was not always so, and for this we can thank Leon Wieseltier, whose departure from a 30-year reign at The New Republic was just announced
An Open Letter to AIGA|Opinions
Status Quo or Transformation? A False Choice
An open letter to AIGA.
Alexandra Lange|Lunch with the Critics
Lunch With The Critics: Second-Annual Year-End Awards
From Twitter to Apollo, Barbie to Occupy Everywhere: The best and worst moments in design for 2011.
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