Showing 13 – 24 of 31 results
Anne Mikoleit|Books
100 Lessons for Understanding the City
We were struck by the Table of Contents of this new title, Urban Code: 100 Lessons for Understanding the City. It reads like a staccato narrative of citylife.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Fixing South Street Seaport: Is New Architecture Enough?
Fighting over Ben Thompson's postmodernist landmark Pier 17 at South Street Seaport. Should it stay or should it go?
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Reassembling the American Dream
"Foreclosed" at the Museum of Modern Art asks what people really like about suburban living. And then, Can they do that with less?
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Who Are We Competing For?
At the "Zoning the City" conference, planners insisted cities were in competition? But why are we so focused on the people who want to leave, rather than those who want to stay?
Alexandra Lange|Interviews
Architecture Research Office
Interview with Stephen Cassell and Adam Yarinsky on the occasion of their National Design Award
Fred A. Bernstein|Essays
The Next World’s Fair: A Proposal
Fred Bernstein makes a case for New York City to be the host of the next World's Fair.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
New Apple HQ, 1957
Wouldn't it be more radical for Apple to move back to town?
Alexandra Lange|Essays
The Moms Aren’t Wrong
Why planning cities for children would make them better for us all.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Rendering v. Reality in Sukkah City
I was not planning to post anything about Sukkah City. It all just looked like an architecture studio: so much effort, such worked-over results, and an inability to see the forest for the trees.
Jane Margolies|Projects
Renewing the Riverfront
Report on an exhibition showcasing efforts to revitalize a derelict patch of Brattleboro, Vermont.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Culture Shed: Where’s the Neighborhood?
CultureGrrl offers a critique of the NEA grant for Culture Shed, the Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Rockwell Group design for a Kunsthalle with retractable roofs over at Hudson Yards.
John Thackara|Essays
Whole, Whole on the Range
As a juror on the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, John Thackara reviews the highlight.
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