Showing 85 – 96 of 171 results
Rick Poynor|Essays
Paul Stiff, the Reader’s Champion
For the late Paul Stiff, design educator, writer, editor and skeptic, typography must never neglect to serve the reader.
Paul Shaw|Reviews
Standard Deviations: Types and Families in Contemporary Design
When the Museum of Modern Art decided, at the beginning of this year, to expand its purview and include typefaces, it was a moment of celebration. However, the feeling of elation quickly gave way to puzzlement.
Erik Spiekermann|Essays
Erik Spiekermann - Putting Back the Face into Typeface
In this video, Erik Spiekermann discusses his process and methods for designing type.
Andy Chen|Essays
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Cub
Is design strictly a set of rules?
Jessica Helfand|Essays
Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones but Print Can Never Hurt Me: A Letter to Fiona on First Reading "The End of Print"
In 2000, Jessica Helfand wrote a letter to her daughter Fiona, giving her a primer on graphic design.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Sans Serif Seasons Greetings
The market in "modern" holiday cards grows every year, but the choices--Helvetica, brown and baby blue, color blocks--still seem dated.
Rick Poynor|Essays
Rethinking Conceptual Type Design
In Copenhagen last week, the organizers of “Conceptual Type — Type Led by Ideas” posed the question: “Where are the idealistic fonts, the fonts that are frontiers of new belief?”
Michael Bierut|Essays
Michael Bierut on Typography
In a video interview with The Atlantic, Michael Bierut talks about typography.
Meena Kadri|Miscellaneous
Two Rupees Worth
Now that the dust has settled on India's launch of their rupee symbol we are starting to see its application beyond the initial fanfare.
Ken Botnick|Essays
The Subtle Technology of Indian Artisanship
How India's craftsmen offer lessons in design thinking.
James Merrill|Poetry
"b o d y"
A poem by James Merrill.
Eric J. Herboth|Essays
Eames the Typeface
A look at the new Eames Century Modern typeface, designed by Erik van Blokland, and developed by House Industries in collaboration with the Eames Office.
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