October 19, 2012
Chris Ware
This year is the tenth anniversary of the Design Matters, and to mark the anniversary we’re re-running some of Debbie’s best interviews. This one, with Chris Ware, was recorded on October 10th, 2012.
Chris Ware is the first cartoonist to win a major literary prize and the author of Building Stories, Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth and the ACME Novelty Library. Ware was the first cartoonist chosen to regularly serialize an ongoing story in The New York Times Magazine, in 2005-2006. He edited the thirteenth issue of McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern as well as Houghton Mifflin’s Best American Comics for 2007, and his work was the focus of an exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.
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By Debbie Millman
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