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Home Audio Episode 43: The End Is Near

Episode 43: The End Is Near

On this episode, Jessica and Michael talk about the 2016 election, and what has changed over the years (viral videos replacing campaign ads) and what hasn’t (the way we vote). They look back at the Polling Place Photo Project from 2006 and 2008, a Winterhouse Studio effort to crowdsource images from the early days of smartphone cameras. “It revealed as much to us as to the people” who were voting, says Jessica.
It was also a beautiful digital proof that all politics is local.

Also mentioned:
  • Save the Day PAC, Quiet andImportant (feat. Mark Ruffalo) videos
  • When will people vote on mobile phones?
  • Jessica and Michael on Track Changes (Part 1; Part 2; (Subscribe on iTunes; follow on SoundCloud)
  • Jessica and Michael’s Creative Live course, Thinking Like a Book Designer 
  • Jessica Helfand and William Drenttel, Culture Is Not Always Popular
  • Ken Garland, First Things First manifesto
  • Jessica on David Pease (Part 1, Part 2
  • Subscribe to The Observatory on iTunes() or your favorite podcast app, or follow Design Observer on Soundcloud