Michael Bierut, Jessica Helfand|Audio
December 31, 2009
Episode 80: Age and Authenticity
Jessica and Michael take off from The Age of Post-Authenticity and the Ironic Truths of Meme Culture, an essay by Jay Owens about these confusing times. Michael says:
Part of what this piece is about — and part of what the contemporary crisis is about that infects us at almost every level — is that we live in a world that is so saturated with these manners and manneredness all around us that it’s so difficult to find your own way in it. And I think that’s the challenge that all of us face in our daily life, no matter how old we are or how young we are.
Also mentioned:
- Josh Glenn, Hermenaut, Fake Authenticity (1999)
- Regina Bendix, In Search of Authenticity
- Noreen Khajawa
- Paris Martineau, Select All, The Future of College Is Facebook Meme Groups
- Rousseau, Reveries of the Solitary Walker
- Ask MetaFilter thread on American house numbers
- Gary Janetti’s Instagram
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Photo from lai lai on Flickr.
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By Michael Bierut & Jessica Helfand
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