Eventually Everything: The 2012 D-Crit Conference
What is the moral reformist imperative of fitness clubs? Whatever happened to the idea of repairing the things you own? How do package designers help create myths about food production? When did “Main Street USA” become the favorite destination for political speechwriters? Is ornament still a crime? And speaking of crime, why aren’t there any guns in most major design collections?
These questions and more will be asked — and perhaps answered — at Eventually Everything: The 2012 D-Crit Conference. Alice Twemlow, Chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Program in Design Criticism, will join Design Observer Group’s own Julie Lasky in what promises to be an overstuffed afternoon of expansive design inquiry. Ten-minute presentations by graduating D-Crit students will alternate with observations from Stewart Ewen, Daniel D’Orca, Michael Rock, Jeffrey Schnapp and another familiar DO presence, Michael Bierut. This promises to be a heady and thought-provoking design event tempered, the organizers promise, with “generous servings of coffee and cookies.”
The conference starts at 12:30 on Wednesday, May 2, at the Visual Arts Theatre at 333 West 23rd Street in New York City. Admission is free, but registration is required. Follow @dcritconference for updates and live streaming information.
To get an idea of what’s in store, check out these video teasers featuring the D-Crit Class of 2012 and produced by Loop TV & Film.
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