August 7, 2009
Going Coastal
Car, Holliwell Point, Essex County, England
“Today, there is an increasing appreciation of the post-industrial landscapes of estuarial and coastal Britain. Both military occupation and heavy industry have served to protect certain marginal landscapes from other kinds of development, and in Britain and elsewhere in the world such sites are being reclaimed as marshlands, wetlands and natural laboratories for restoring the widest range of habitat, flora and fauna. People are learning to appreciate that we are transients in the landscape, stewards not masters. Even so, these post-industrial landscapes possess their own unique aesthetic, ruins of empire of another kind, of the factories, furnaces, turbine sheds, marshalling yards, high chimneys and warehouses of a life and culture that has now disappeared or been translated.” —Ken Worpole
From 350 Miles, a book collection of Jason Orton’s photos of the shoreline in Essex County, England, with an essay by Ken Worpole. The photos will be exhibited at fashion designer Margeret Howell‘s flagship store in Tokyo, August 13–30, 2009.
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By Jason Orton