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Home Audio High Maintenance

High Maintenance

More than a decade after Michael wrote Innovation Is the New Black, innovation is still the new black, from design studios to classrooms to President Obama celebrating innovators at the White House.

But what about the people who keep things going?

On this episode, Michael and Jessica talk about why we need to value maintainers, inspired by a conference that celebrated Maintainers from engineers who kept the Erie Canal open to Mary Poppins.

Also mentioned:

Thanks to the Porto Design Summer School for sponsoring this episode.

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By Michael Bierut & Jessica Helfand

Jessica Helfand, a founding editor of Design Observer, is an award-winning graphic designer and writer and a former contributing editor and columnist for Print, Communications Arts and Eye magazines. A member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and a recent laureate of the Art Director’s Hall of Fame, Helfand received her B.A. and her M.F.A. from Yale University where she has taught since 1994.

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