December 2, 2019
Michael Dorf
Almost every new technology has it’s upside and it’s downside. WIth the internet for example: we can listen to almost any performer ever recorded anywhere. But we usually listen alone and we lose the extraordinary communal expereince of live performance. This is something Michael Dorf addresses in his new book Indulge Your Senses: Scaling Intimacy in a Digital World. In 1986 Michael Dorf founded The Knitting Factory, the late, great alternative performance venue in lower Manhattan. More recently, he started City Winery, now a chain of venues, restaurants, and functioning wineries. He’s a promoter, and entrepreneur, and an author.
On this episode Debbie talks to music impresario and restaurateur Michael Dorf. “Our focus is on the sensory elements. I feel our job is to have people keep their phone in their pocket.”
For more information about Design Matters or to subscribe to the show newsletter, go to DebbieMillman.com. If you love this podcast, please consider contributing to Debbie’s Drip Kickstarter community. Members get transcripts of every interview, invitations to live episodes, Q&A sessions with guests, and a brand new annual magazine. You can learn more about this at https://d.rip/debbie-millman. And if you like this podcast, please write a review on iTunes and link to the podcast on social media. Design Matters is produced by Curtis Fox Productions. The show is published exclusively by DesignObserver.com.
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By Debbie Millman
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