December 31, 2009
Neighborhood Story Project
The Neighborhood Story Project, founded in New Orleans, in 2004, works with writers around the city to create books that focus on their neighborhoods and their lives. For the last year or two, Rob Walker has redirected author royalties from his book Letters From New Orleans to NSP. (Letters was published mere weeks before Hurricane Katrina, and for some time author royalties were sent to various organizations involved in relief efforts. As direct-recovery needs became less acute, and the book went into a second printing and became available as an ebook, those royalties were shifted to other nonprofits, and finally to NSP.) Recently, Walker and NSP formalized their relationship, announcing that 100% of LfNO author royalties go straight to The Neighborhood Story Project. “It’s a small gesture, but for an amazing organization,” Walker says. “They’ve become part of what makes New Orleans special.”