October 21, 2016
Paris One Forty: Week Fourteen
Doll as cutlery. On a table in an outdoor market, everything pointing in the same direction, witty — but also, weird. pic.twitter.com/n9uZ5KqYG6
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 18, 2014
Da VInci and Brunelleschi are among the masters etched in stone at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts — kinda hard to skip class. pic.twitter.com/VbQFExIsyV
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 19, 2014
A Parisian boulangerie is like nothing else, a dreamy palace of confections — the façades often equally breathtaking. pic.twitter.com/XpCs7XCNra
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 20, 2014
Classic Parisian street signs are indeed timeless — but sometimes you can see glimpses of their typographic ancestry. pic.twitter.com/YxazmMyFMT
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 21, 2014
It is prohibited to take pictures at Deyrolle, but how to resist? (You can still buy the miniature labels here, too.) pic.twitter.com/QlzZSAHdh1
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 22, 2014
An exquisite poster is exposed to way too much light while a more forgettable one hangs nearby — protected by shadow. pic.twitter.com/UJ6EgZpHr0
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 23, 2014
The halcyon days of Bon Marché, when the economy revolved around the franc and not the euro, and corsets were common. pic.twitter.com/81sOs9f7fq
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) November 24, 2014
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