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Home Audio S2E2: Neri Oxman

S2E2: Neri Oxman

Neri Oxman leads the Mediated Matter research group at the MIT Media Lab. She treats art, science, and engineering as part of design, and sees designers as

gardeners of the natural world in our ability to achieve, come close, and even transcend the scale of nature.

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The Design of Business | The Business of Design is recorded at the Yale School of Management.

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By Michael Bierut & Jessica Helfand

Jessica Helfand, a founding editor of Design Observer, is an award-winning graphic designer and writer and a former contributing editor and columnist for Print, Communications Arts and Eye magazines. A member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and a recent laureate of the Art Director’s Hall of Fame, Helfand received her B.A. and her M.F.A. from Yale University where she has taught since 1994.

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