Tracy Metz: Sweet & Salt
Netherlands-based writer and critic Tracy Metz will be in New York this coming week talking about her most recent book, Sweet & Salt.
She’ll be at the Van Alen Institute on Wednesday October 10 at 7pm, in collaboration with the consulate of the Netherlands, 30 W. 22nd Street, 6th Floor. The talk will be followed by a panel moderated by James Russell (architecture critic, Bloomberg News, and author, The Agile City) with Metz and Michael Marrella, Director of Waterfront and Open Space Planning, NYC Dept. of City Planning; Susannah Drake, Principal, dlandstudio; and Klaus Jacob, Special Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. More information here.
On Thursday October 11 at 6pm, Metz will be speaking at the AIA Center for Architecture at 536 Laguardia Place. The talk will be followed by a panel moderated by Bonnie Harken, President, Nautilus International Development Consulting, Inc. and Co-chair, Waterfront Committee. In addition to Metz, panelists will include Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Associate Professor, City College of New York and Barbara Wilks, W Architecture and Landscape Architecture. More information here.
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