John Foster|Accidental Mysteries
August 8, 2014
A Sampler of Rocks
Occasionally I like to select a topic strictly for its visual depth and then explore the many ways I can interpret and explore it via the archives of the internet. Rocks are the stuff of castles, homes, weapons, making fire, creating wealth and beauty. Most rocks are plentiful and hard-working, building our roads and cities. Then again, some rocks are so rare and beautiful they create the wonderment of our lives. I like the wonderment part.
In my next life, I will collect rocks.
Manuel LITRAN — Bouche de la Reine Tiyi l’épouse d’Aménophis III, 1970
Anasazi Ruin (2003)
Photo by Richard King
Ara Güler — The ruins of Aphrodisias (1964.)
Cone hermitage and church near Gula Deri. Photographs taken during a trip by John D. Whiting and G. Eric Matson to the Cappadocia region of Turkey in October and November of 1935, on the request of the National Geographic Society.
R.F. Kockaerts — Bretagne, 1964
Sculpture by William Edmondson
Photo by Kerry Murray
Penhas Douradas, Serra da Estrela
Rock House in Fafe, Portugal
Photo credit Jsome1 on Flickr
Rene Magritte (1898-1967):
Clear Ideas(1958)
Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels
See Rock City
Artist: Carl Peverall: Celo, North Carolina
Counsel of Elders
Stone Sculpture
Petroglyph in Kakadu National Park, Australia (Northern Territory)
Artist: Michael Heizer
Levitated Mass
Dry stacked fencing has a history reaching back into ancient times. In Kentucky its history of construction can travel as far back as the late 1700s — believed to be built by slaves and/or Irish immigratnts. Kentucky’s natural limestone beds have provided the resources to construct the beautiful fences. Also, very common in New England.
Photo and information courtesy of Boundary Fence and Supply, Denver, CO
Balanced rocks by Michael Grab
Boulder, CO
Petroglyphs at Painted Rocks, AZ
A pair of iron meteorites (lighter color large rocks in the foreground) seen by the Spirit Rover on Mars. Image credit: NASA/JP
A Chinese Scholars’ Rock, Black Lingbi Stone
The Rosetta Stone
114.4 x 72.3 x 27.93 cm
Discovered in 1799
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, demotic script, and Greek script
The British Museum
Illustration of Chert Breccia.
Chert Breccia is a conglomerate type of rock often found in Australia.
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