John Thackara
Showing 157 – 168 of 235 results

John Thackara|Essays
Fish Systems and Design
Though gloomy predictions say we could see the end of seafood by 2048, several initiatives are rethinking the way we acquire fish.

John Thackara|Essays
GDP As a Doomsday Machine [August 2009]
Report on reusing an office block in Sao Paulo, food stamps, California's education budget, urban farming, Slow Money, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
From Philanthrocapitalism to An Eco-Social Economy
"Design for social impact" is a very troubling phrase.

John Thackara|Essays
The Internet of Things
Should we be sprinkling technological devices across the planet like dust?

John Thackara|Essays
Gone Transitioning [June 2009]
Report on transition towns in China, Monumento in Sao Paulo, Bernardo Secchi and Paolo Vigano, Norwegian architecture, foodprinting, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Make Sense, Not Stuff
John Thackara presents a three-step plan to connect design schools to the green economy.

John Thackara|Essays
Doctors with iPhones
The neighborhood doctor is back — and this time, he has an iPhone.

John Thackara|Essays
With the i-Borg in New York [May 2009]
Report on idling fines in New York City, Hello Health, All Day Buffet, Hungry New York, the High Line, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Design in a Therm-industrial Society [April 2009]
Report on connecting design with the green community, the connection between Britain's food and oil supply, Green Platform, author David McKay, Transition Towns, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Tweets From America [March 2009]
Report on the Interaction Design Association (IxDA) conference, the Sustainable Business MBA at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), IslandWood, Illuminate learning, Johnson and Johnson's social media strategy, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
The Innovator Next Door
Whether it's narrowly defining innovation as technology, or imposing solutions on communities, John Thackara discusses the mistakes made by large companies.

John Thackara|Essays
Bottle Half-Full Edition [February 2009]
Report on In the Bubble, Experiencing Sustainability in Vancouver, the design of sustainable water systems, the Planning Center, City Eco Lab, and more.