John Thackara
Showing 169 – 180 of 235 results

John Thackara|Essays
City Eco Lab – From Open Money to VeloWalas [November 2008]
Report on City Eco Lab Encounters, Velo Walas, Ecosoft, Design Imperatives, design for mobility, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Tribal Currencies [October 2008]
Report on the money system, City Eco Lab, the high risk of flooding in London, what architects would design if they did not design buildings, the Bioneers conference, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
City Eco Lab @ 70 Days to Go [September 2008]
Report on City Eco Lab, Casino's green labeling scheme, In the Bubble book launch, sustainable architecture, John Michael Greer's The Long Descent, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Alternative Trade Networks and the Coffee System
Alterative trade networks are emerging in the coffee industry, attempting to eliminate the middle man.

John Thackara|Essays
Eating Spin [August 2008]
Report on In the Bubble in Italian, Climate Camp, British supermarkets and emergency food reserves, trash sorting, designing for resiliance, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Design for Resilience [July 2008]
Report on sustainability projects for under-16s, Energey Descent Action Planning (EDAP), learning from Africa, Australian treasury official Ken Henry, Hungry City, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
We Are All Emerging Economies Now
I recently received an invitation to discuss design and development with a wonderful group of design peers in a beautiful location. But I have decided to decline the invitation. Why?

John Thackara|Essays
Mapping Ecosystem Services [June 2008]
Report on City Eco Lab at the Cite du Design biennial, the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), FSC certification, Setting Standards for Sustainable Design, the Centre for Knowledge Societies' report on economic life in several …

John Thackara|Essays
City Eco Lab [April 2008]
Report on City Eco Lab, the Dott 07 manual, Kate Fletcher's Sustinable Fashion and Textiles, a cashless economy with MTN Nigeria,Chris Bradshaw's opinions on transportation, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
From MySpace to Fake Space
Traveling without moving has become an economic and environmental imperative. Matter is more expensive than energy; energy than information; it is cheaper to move information, than people or things. So what is to stop us moving less and …

John Thackara|Essays
Travels in Uncanny Valley [March 2008]
Report on substitutes for mobility, the Dott 07 wrap event, the Dott 07 manual, Social Innovation Camp, Dam Nation, and more.

John Thackara|Essays
Of Doomers and Bottle Fillers [January 2008]
Report on "doomers," Tools for Survival, the legacy of Dott 07, Dott's Eco Design Challenge, Pixelache University, and more.