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John Thackara

Showing 193 – 204 of 235 results

John Thackara|Essays

War as a Brand [September 2006]

Report on Doors of Perception 9, conference at the India Habitat Centre, service design principles, transfering knowledge from media labs, Picnic in Amsterdam, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Doors 9 on "Juice" Call for Projects [July 2006]

Report on Doors of Perception 9 call for project case studies, doctor-patient interactions, the Aspen Design Summit, the Young Foundation's manifesto, Desins of the Time Explorers Club, and more.

John Thackara|Interviews

Cities, Design and Democracy: Conversation with Sunil Abraham in Cluster

John Thackara and Sunil Abraham sit down for an in-depth interview with Cluster Magazine.

John Thackara|Essays

Announcing Doors 9 and 10 [May 2006]

Report on Doors of Perception "Juice," Doors of Perception 10, The Young Foundation manifesto, monitoring a region's vital signs in real time, the Aspen Design Summit, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Design Transformation [April 2006]

Report on an emerging design discipline, a British government report about Intelligent Infrastructures Futures, decision support tools, the Aspen Design Summit, robots for elderly people, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Utopias by Design? [March 2006]

Report on In the Bubble: Designing in A Complex World, a CustomerMade conference, car sharing, P.M.'s Bolo Bolo, Wayne A. Lemmon's defense of sprawl, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

If Pigs Could Fly... [February 2006]

Report on welfare and care systems seminar in Helsinki, KM3 from MVRDV, "emotional design," building regulations, sustainable transportation, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

The Diminishing Spaces of Childhood [January 2006]

Report on Designs of the Time (DOTT), Henry Jenkins's essay on the changing spaces of childhood, KM3 by MVRDV, Sweden's indepenence from oil, Building Schools for the Future (BSF) in England and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Designs of the Time (DOTT) [December 2005]

Report on the beginnings of Designs of the Time (Dott), Doors of Perception in Seoul, the Art Center Design Conference series, the Urband Eyes project, disposable diapers and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Food Journeys [November 2005]

Report on Beyond Green, RED's Future Currents project, Contested Streets, Tom Peters, Bruce Sterling's Shaping Things and more.

John Thackara|Essays

Design and Risk [October 2005]

Report on 'SAFE: Design Takes On Risks' at the MoMA, global export of weapons, natural disasters, Matchmaking in Norway, tourism in Barcelona, and more.

John Thackara|Essays

On Time [September 2005]

Report on building a 'Cellular Church,' MediaLab, natural disasters, flooding in India, Project Lifeline and more.


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