John Thackara
Showing 205 – 216 of 235 results
John Thackara|Essays
Street Art Pro [August 2005]
Report on the Municipal Wirelss Conference in San Francisco, Label Rue in France, designs and government policy, the 2005 Assitive Tech conference, the 2005 Tactile Graphics conference and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Self-Service Economy [June 2005]
Report on international call centers, Neighbor Power: Building Community The Seattle Way, the marketing strategies of evangelical America, Fast Company's review of In the Bubble, the "Building Everyday Democracy" organization, and more.
John Thackara|Essays
"In The Bubble" Special [May 2005]
Report on the release of In the Bubble: Designing In A Complex World, talks, reading, signings, and more in support of John Thackara's book.
John Thackara|Essays
Lessons of Infra [April 2005]
Report on India's 'jugaads,' Ezio Manzini's "small is not small," the Doors of Perception conference in New Delhi, applications from China for the London school of Economics, the ExArchs and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Emerging Economy Design [March 2005]
Report and Doors of Perception 8 pre-conference, the problem with b-schools, reality TV for the boardroom, a meeting of information design students and professionals on the Cape Verde Islands, mobile learning in Malta, and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Street-level Innovation [February 2005]
Report on Solomon Kolkota's study of urban planning in China, Usman Haque's workshop on open source architecture, sustainable societies, the 'infra of sharing,' Project Clinics at Doors 8, and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Tools for Citizen Services [January 2005]
Report on designing knowledge, Doors of Perception 8 in New Dheli, the street as innovation, ethnography in innovation, enabling services and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Skunk Space and Time [December 2004]
Report on Doors of Perception 8, the results of the Doors 8 Project Leaders' Round Table, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for information systems, Debra Solomon's quest to enable "nomadic banquets," the Chinese government's intention …
John Thackara|Essays
New Dark Ages? [November 2004]
Report on the state of design research, Doors of Perception 8 in New Delhi, service design for health care, the "Used in India" exhibition, comparing design strategies between New York and New Delhi, and more.
John Thackara|Essays
Open Welfare [October 2004]
Report on Doors of Perception 8: New Delhi, Red at the Design Council in London, dimensions of patient experience, Bruce Mau's Massive Change exhibition, the U.S. project Gridwise, and more.
John Thackara|Essays
The Time Thief [September 2004]
Report on Europe's train ticketing service, Doors of Perception 8: New Delhi partners, CK Prahalad, the impact of mediascapes on how we inhabit space, the 'New Design Cities' symposium, 'State of Mergebcy: Territorial Identity in the …
John Thackara|Essays
Social Innovation Observatory [August 2004]
Report on Doors of Perception 8: New Delhi, the 2004 Open Doors Project Challenge, the 2004 Project Observation workshop, nuclear security in CrytoGram, an idea from Pieter Burghart at LogicaCMG, and more.
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