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Mark Lamster

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Mark Lamster|Essays

All in the Family

My cousin Barbara Schaefer is having a show of recent work at Shop Art, on Bergen Street in Brooklyn.

Mark Lamster|Essays

House in the Hills

We spent this past weekend at the beautiful weekend home of the Woo family, a masterwork of modernist architecture sequestered high in the rolling Vermont hills.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Tormented Youth

Next week the MET will put on display Michelangelo's "Torment of Saint Anthony," reputedly the artist's first painting.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Bowery on the Beach?

Has Leigh Bowery, said to have died more than a decade ago, been hiding out on the Coney Island boardwalk sporting a mullet all along?

Mark Lamster|Essays

BEA Report: 10 Fall Books (+1) for Your Library

It has been a grim year for publishing, which accounts for the unusually restrained mood this past weekend at Book Expo America, the industry's annual trade show.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Urban Camouflage

As the Magritte Museum was prepared for its unveiling, the building was cloaked by a brilliant trompe-l'oeil construction wall, very much in the spirit of the artist.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day in America, so let's talk for a moment about memorials.

Mark Lamster|Essays

How We Decide

In the latest episode of CBC's WireTap, "The Deciders," host Jonathan Goldstein walks me through one of those difficult decisions we all are faced with at some point: Should I go to the doctor?

Mark Lamster|Essays

On Muses

Lee Siegel has a wonderful piece in today's WSJ on the history and decline of the muse in art.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Triumph of the Will (Or, Everything Old Is New Again)

In the New Yorker this week, Jonah Lehrer writes about a psychological study suggesting that self control, or the ability to delay gratification, more strongly correlates with long-term success than intelligence.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Back to the Future

Over on the Itinerant Urbanist, Karrie Jacobs recently wrote about her first impression of Daniel Libeskind's addition to the Contemporary Jewish Museum, in San Francisco.

Mark Lamster|Essays

Tbilisi's Hotel Iveria: A Defense

There's a piece on Oobject today that lists what that site claims are the fifteen worst “housing projects from hell.”


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