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Rob Walker

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Rob Walker|Essays

Cover Story

A book vs. its cover: Why Colubmia GSAPP students treated this year's architecture annual like garbage.

Rob Walker|Essays

Street Life

In praise of street art that draws attention to more than just itself.

Rob Walker|Essays

Staring Back at Security Cameras

Why the ubiquitous security deserves as much scrutiny as it gives.

Rob Walker|Essays

Scenes from the Crowdcrit Revolution

Assessing the crowdcrit revolution of the past decade, and what  it could mean for serious thinking about design.

Rob Walker|Essays

Where We Work

The computer-screen desktop, considered as a category of work space.

Rob Walker|Essays

Danger, Nostalgia, and Playgrounds

Brenda Biondo's photographs of mid-century playgrounds document the classic, the dangerous, and the nostalgic.

Rob Walker|Essays

Object of Interest: The Yellow Card

An appreciation of a great World Cup object: the yellow card.

Rob Walker|Essays

Spawn of Gerrymander: Jennifer Daniel’s Texas 35th

Illustrator Jennifer Daniel reimagines Texas’ 35th congressional district: If you can read this, you’re in range.

Rob Walker|Essays

A Designer Runs For Office

Matt Tomasulo was a successful tactical urbanist. Then he ran for public office.

Rob Walker|Essays

The End of the 00s: Noted, Without Noteworthiness

An event that embodies so many 21st-century events: Something is happening, somewhere, and it has no particular effect on you whatsoever. The latest details in a moment.

Rob Walker|Essays

Ad Nauseam: A Survivor’s Guide To American Consumer Culture

Ad Nauseam: A Survivor’s Guide to American Consumer Culture, is a book that I can recommend without hesitation — because after all, I was asked to write a forward for it.

Rob Walker|Essays

If You Follow Me, I Will Follow You Back

“If You Follow Me, I Will Follow You Back” a talk revisited from the NYU “Blowing Up The Brand” conference.


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