Showing 733 – 744 of 756 results

Debbie Millman|Audio
Bad Boys of Design
Designers Michael Ian Kaye, Mark Kingsley, Petter Ringbom, James Victore and Armin Vit.

Michael Bierut|Essays
Designing Under the Influence
The similarity of a young designer's work to that of the artist Barbara Kruger provides the starting point for a discussion of the role of influence in design, and whether it is possible for someone to "own" a specific style.

Debbie Millman|Audio
Cheryl Swanson
Cheryl Swanson, founder of Toniq, applies her background in anthropology and psychology to the visual task of branding.

The Strange Commercial
Eventually all advertising will seem strange. Brad Stockshot and Cindy Clipart, modelling chunky knitwear on the beach, will look like absurd freaks. The 2005 Audi A6, as sleek as an arrowhead up on that billboard, will seem as archaic as …

Michael Bierut|Essays
Authenticity: A User's Guide
Graphic designers take pleasure in simulation. This makes defining authenticity a tricky thing.

Michael Bierut|Essays
The Whole Damn Bus is Cheering
The familiar yellow ribbons stuck to cars urging us to "support our troops" have lots of competition and are horribly designed.

William Drenttel|Essays
My Country Is Not A Brand
Branding was originally an approach for creating reputations for commercial products. Over time, it has come to be applied to almost everything, from high school sports to school meal programs; from universities to research centers; from …

Michael Bierut|Essays
Logogate in Connecticut, or, The Rodneydangerfieldization of Graphic Design: Part II
A new logo for the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism by Cummings & Good provokes a public controversy on the value of design.

Michael Bierut|Essays
The World in Two Footnotes
Writing in Eye Magazine, Nick Bell observes that designers too often act as "agents of neutrality" or "aesthetes of style" and suggests that they focus more on their work's content.

Michael Bierut|Essays
Grand Central Terminal's enormous Colorama displays by Kodak documented a suburban fantasy world for millions of commuters.

Jessica Helfand|Essays
Magazine Without a Name, Brand Without a Promise
The New York Times Business Section today reports a new elite magazine aimed at the exclusive holders of the American Express Centurion Card. The magazine itself consists of five articles, four ads, and no name or indeed, nameplate — …

Michael Bierut|Essays
The Graphic Design Olympics
The event graphics and pictograms created for the Olympics by designers such as Otl Aicher, Lance Wyman and Deborah Sussman are part of a historic tradition that continues to this day.
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DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities Designing for the Future: A Conversation with Don Norman (Design As Finale) Innies see red, Innies wear blue: Severance’s use of color to seed self-discoveryLatest Podcasts
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Ellen McGirt
DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason

Alexis Haut
About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities

Alexis Haut