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Showing 145 – 156 of 197 results


Juliette LaMontagne|Opinions

Please Turn on Your Cell Phone

In response to the New York City Department of Education's ban on cell phones in schools, an educator argues for their continued use — as mini computers that help students learn.


Julia Galef|Projects

Question Box

The Question Box project puts the developing-world poor just a phone call away from an internet search.


Jessica Helfand|Essays

Open Letter to Design Students Everywhere

My freedom thus consists in my moving about within the narrow frame that I have assigned to myself for each one of my undertakings. I shall go even further: my freedom will be so much the greater and more meaningful the more narrowly I …


John Thackara|Essays

Make Sense, Not Stuff

John Thackara presents a three-step plan to connect design schools to the green economy.


Debbie Millman|Audio

Natalia Ilyin

Natalia Ilyin is a design critic and educator and ithe author of two books — Blonde Like Me, and Chasing the Perfect: Thoughts on Modernist Design in Our Time.


Debbie Millman|Audio

Steve Heller + Lita Talerico

Debbie Millman interviews Lita Talarico and Steven Heller, co-founders of the MFA Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts.


Chris Pullman|Essays

What I've Learned

Chris Pullman is the only person who can be said to have won not one but two of the highest possible honors from AIGA. The first was the Corporate Leadership Award, which the company he shaped, Boston public broadcasting network WGBH, …


Julie Lasky|Essays

Cranbrook Commencement Address

"I come to you, like all commencement speakers, as an emissary from the future." The commencement address delivered by Julie Lasky at the Cranbrook Academy of Art on May 9, 2008.


Debbie Millman|Audio

Michael Hodgson

Michael Hodgson is a DJ and a designer and is co-founder of the design firm Ph.D.


Jessica Helfand|Essays

Viewer Discretion Advised

Identification card for Anny-Yolande Horowitz, deported to Auschwitz on September 11, 1942. She was seven years old.Early last month, French President Nicholas Sarkozy proposed a new education plan in which every fifth grader would have to …


Debbie Millman|Audio

Petrula Vrontikis

Petrula Vrontikis is a graphic designer and educator at Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles.


Debbie Millman|Audio

Eric Kandel

Nobel prize winner Eric Kandel is a psychiatrist, neuroscientist and professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Columbia University. 


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Lee Moreau

Designing for the Future: A Conversation with Don Norman (Design As Finale)

helly table

Alexis Haut

Innies see red, Innies wear blue: Severance’s use of color to seed self-discovery


Lee Moreau

Design As Pluriverse


Lee Moreau

Design As Humanity