Showing 13 – 24 of 24 results

Sean Adams|Evidence
Joe Orton: Dangerous Collage
Is it graphic design?

Sean Adams|Evidence
Manifesto of Surrealism: 3 Tragedies
We pass through our days creating fictions to make sense of the world.

Sean Adams|Evidence
John Astrop and Eric Hill, Booze, 1967
Historic design work, linked to the cultural standards of its time, is often unacceptable now. Does that make it bad? Should the creator be vilified? Should the offending design work be eliminated from a classroom or book?

Sean Adams|Evidence
Mary Blair: The Grand Canyon Concourse Mural
Mary Blair’s Grand Canyon Concourse mural in the Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World is a super-graphic that transforms the architecture.

Sean Adams|Evidence
Phyllis Tanner
“It is a cut-throat business. Be good at negotiating. It is not just about ART.”

Sean Adams|Evidence
Jennifer Morla: El Museo Mexicano, 1995
As a designer, does the work we create subjugate and presume superiority over another culture, or does it attempt to authentically represent it?

Sean Adams|Evidence
Marget Larsen
Marget Larsen’s design work bridged post-war American modernism and 1960s hedonist psychedelia.

Sean Adams|Evidence
Will Burtin
Will Burtin was a graphic designer with no sense or boundaries in media.

Sean Adams|Evidence
Sean Adams extolls the virtues of a narrative told with minimal means and a strong ideas.

Sean Adams|Evidence
Return of the Standards Manuals or Revenge of the Rigid
These are not systems to be messed with.

Sean Adams|Evidence
Hope is The Thing with Feathers
A closer look at NBC’s peacock.

Sean Adams|Evidence
When the World Was Young
When I started in the profession, I was the youngest such and such for a long time. Somewhere along the line as the generation before me retired or moved on to greener pastures, I became the old guard. This happens to all of us, which …
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Ellen McGirt
DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason

Alexis Haut
About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities

Alexis Haut