Showing 229 – 240 of 284 results

John Thackara|Essays
From MySpace to Fake Space
Traveling without moving has become an economic and environmental imperative. Matter is more expensive than energy; energy than information; it is cheaper to move information, than people or things. So what is to stop us moving less and …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
Look and Feel / Nip and Tuck
I first heard the term "look and feel" in the early days of web-design. I found it an odd phrase. When web developers used it I couldn't be sure if they were talking about graphic design or some new hybrid form of design for the web and …

Cheryl Towler Weese|Essays
Is Apple Soft on Crime?
In its now-ubiquitous campaign, the iPod holds the promise of cool: silhouetted figures dance on a colored field, brandishing their sleek white iPods, serving alternatively as dance partners, status symbols and fashion accessories. It's a …

Steven Heller|Essays
What's In A Name?
In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare wrote a "rose by any other name would smell as sweet," suggesting the meaning of something is more important than what it is called. By extension, the content of a blog post or comment is more …

Richard Turley|Essays
Off the Grid
Photo: Martin Godwin/GuardianSo there we were. Standing in a vast field at the Worthy Farm, the home of the Glastonbury Festival, armed with a laptop, rain pouring down, sodden jeans, welly boots welded to our feet, the ground turning into …

Adrian Shaughnessy|Essays
The 2012 Olympic Logo Ate My Hamster
Designers often bemoan the lack of coverage given to graphic design in mainstream media. Yet when design catches the attention of journalists and commentators it usually results in a vicious mugging rather than hearty praise.

Thomas de Monchaux|Essays
What If Apple Is Bad for Design?
Original Apple iPod, photo courtesy are you're reading this on a screen with radially-rounded corners; odds are the frame has a centimeter or so of pearly titanium grey, or milky plasticky white, or calfskin-smooth …

Rob Walker|Essays
Back to Basics Egg & Muffin Toaster
In a recent issue of The M.I.T. Sloan Management Review, Michael Schrage, a business writer and an M.I.T. researcher, challenged what Bruce Greenwald, has said about the fate of all innovative technologies: “In the long …

Debbie Millman|Audio
Jakob Trollback
On this episode of Design Matters with Debbie Millman, an interview with designer and filmmaker Jakob Trollback — who is also a DJ.

Michael Erard|Essays
Word Made Flesh
Diagram of quote attributed to Groucho Marx, "Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana," from Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences by Kitty Burns Florey, illustrated by …

Michael Erard|Essays
The G Word
Ten years from now, jokey newspaper articles about corporate follies will mention why the Chevy Nova didn't sell in Latin America, the hilarity that ensued when company names (e.g., Pen Island) became URLs, and how Google waded into the …

William Drenttel|Essays
What Ever Happened to, Oregon?
But back in 1999, in its Netflix-like heyday, was hot. And it did something quite remarkable. As a publicity stunt, it bought a town and renamed it. Someplace in Oregon. I wondered what ever happened to, Oregon — …
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Recent Posts
DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities Designing for the Future: A Conversation with Don Norman (Design As Finale) Innies see red, Innies wear blue: Severance’s use of color to seed self-discoveryLatest Podcasts
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Ellen McGirt
DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason

Alexis Haut
About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities

Alexis Haut