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Showing 133 – 144 of 171 results


Dmitri Siegel|Essays

The New New Typography

Vier5, Poster for Exhibition Phalanstère with Prinz Gholam, Hans Walter Müller and Matthieu LehanneurI first saw the work of French design team Vier5 (Marco Fiedler and Achim Reichert) in Tokion magazine a couple of years ago, …


Debbie Millman|Audio

Doyald Young

Master typographer Doyald Young is also the author of The Art of the Letter, Logotypes, and Letterforms: Handlettered Logotypes and Other Typographic Considerations.


Jessica Helfand|Essays

The Not-So-Golden Age of Zero Tolerance

When I was a student, the assignments and their expected outcomes were intentionally conceived as chore-like, specific and frankly, narrow. This was the age of zero tolerance: deviation from a designated format was neither an approved …


William Drenttel|Essays

Silk Road Typography

European Union's 50th anniversary logo, design by Szymon Skrzypczak, 2006Late at night, after seeing a particularly vapid, unlikely or just plain idiotic television commercial, I'll often turn to my wife and say, "Can you imagine being in …


Michael Bierut|Essays

The Golden Age of American Commercialism

The encroachment of commercialism into everyday life seems like a peculiarly modern phenomenon. Yet around one hundred years ago, America began a romance with salesmanship that today seems almost delirious. A 1922 business directory shows …


Jessica Helfand|Essays

The Global Curse of Comic Sans

In this coastal region slung just below the Pyrenees, one might expect to see evidence of the enduring cultural tensions between Spain and Catalonia — different kinds of signs or symbols, for instance â€" but on the …


William Drenttel|Essays

Move It Down . . . A Little to the Right

Detail, Guggenheim Museum facade under renovation. Photograph by Chris Kasabach, 2006.One of the great artifacts of American architecture is being renovated in New York City. Scaffolds are up, and paint and surface stucco are being …


Rob Giampietro|Essays

Kafka & Typography

Walbaum, typeface design by Justin Erich Walbaum, 1804. Kafka's favorite typeface and the original used for Meditation.We get the word "koan" from Zen Buddhism, where in Japanese it translates literally as "a matter for public thought," …


Debbie Millman|Audio

Ed Fella

Ed Fella is an artist, graphic designer and educator whose work has had a critical influence on contemporary typography in the United States and in Europe. 


Michael Bierut|Slideshows

Variations on a Theme: New York's High Priorities

A half-page weekly feature in New York magazine has become a showcase for some of the world's best graphic designers.


Jessica Helfand|Essays

Freedom of Speech or Filching of Style? The New Law of Eminent Lo-Mein

Fonts found at The Dollar Store, December, 2005.There has been a considerable amount of debate recently about the impact of DIY on the design disciplines, and nowhere has this issue seemed more unresolved than in discussions of …


Debbie Millman|Audio

Jonathan Hoefler + Tobias Frere-Jones

Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones are partners in their own eponymous type foundry where they developing and digitize original typefaces.


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Lee Moreau

Designing for the Future: A Conversation with Don Norman (Design As Finale)

helly table

Alexis Haut

Innies see red, Innies wear blue: Severance’s use of color to seed self-discovery


Lee Moreau

Design As Pluriverse


Lee Moreau

Design As Humanity