Debbie Millman | Audio

Fritz Karch

Fritz Karch became an active collector at the age of eleven and has always been an ardent believer in the benefits and pleasures of hunting and gathering. He studied art at the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and for the last three decades has worked in New York City in the design, publishing, retail, and commercial photography communities as a stylist, editor, and creative director.

Fritz helped create and launch the Collecting Department at Martha Stewart Living magazine—hunting, gathering, and collecting as the Editorial Director of Collecting, a post he held for fifteen years. Simultaneously, he has run an antiques business for the last twenty-five years in Hopewell, New Jersey, where he studies and practices the art and craft of editing, gathering, styling, trading, and selling antiques and an endless assortment of elderly and recycled objects of with functional uses.

He has just written a book about his collecting. It's called Collected: Living With The Things You Love.

Posted in: Arts + Culture, Design Matters, Media

Comments [1]

Design matters, sometimes. Debbie Millman always matters. How do you know when something really matters? Trick question: You don’t “know” it, you feel it. Your body tells you. The deeper I delve into Debbie’s work, the more astonishing moments I find: statements, writings and images (not just images of drool-worthy Debbie herself) that cause my breath to catch and my heart to stutter. Soft noises I barely recognize slip from me. Of all the things I dream of giving Debbie, my greatest imaginary gift would be an anthology of this involuntary music, a bouquet of sighs. Her Twitter bio reads “Debbie millman is a girl” and she ought to be wooed like one. She IS a girl in the man’s world of design, where corporations kidnap creativity: a girl in drab designers’ drag. (Of course, it’s not drab at all when she wears it, but Debbie and Her Clothes is a topic deserving of a book in itself.) A “bad” girl of sorts, a sensual girl with a poetic spirit who has to camouflage herself in order to survive. A subversive in plain sight whose every felt truth is pure samizdat in corporate corridors. But Debbie’s unruly passion for beauty feeds mine for Debbie. My imagination clings to her with four amorous limbs, craving ever-deeper contact, girl on girl.

Jobs | July 26