Feeding Young Brains
Brain Food is a potential tool that teachers and parents can use to ignite creative thinking in school or at home. The exploratory activity deck is a collaborative project from AIGA Portland and The Right Brain Initiative that incldes 50 activities that integrate regular school subjects with an artistic approach, modeling. With the Brain Food deck, kids are encouraged to create a choreographed dance out of sports moves; learn the art of subtractive poetry; make pop-up museums; and imagine their own food carts.
The goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to give away Brain Food to 44 (and counting) Portland metro area public schools that Right Brain serves. Every teacher within these schools will receive Brain Food, inspiring them to bring creativity into the learning process, and feel supported by the creative community. (And of course backers will receive a deck as well.)
To support the cause or to see some example projects, click here.
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