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Home Site Next Time You Need a T-shirt


July 19, 2012

Next Time You Need a T-shirt

How many of us are guilty of selecting products and services from a random online search? And how often does it come to pass that the service selected actually turns out to be everything you ever wanted, and more? For anyone lacking their own personal silkscreen provisions, looking for online T-shirt printing services can be daunting: there are way too many options, and with streamlined capabilities for uploading original art, everything looks simple and easy. Easy, that is, until you get to the fine print.

Not so with CustomInk, an online T-shirt company with a seamless interface and the real-time, real-people support to back it up. They even have designers casting a watchful glance over your artwork, offering unsolicited — and knowledgeable — support. (Think of this as the equivalent of having a master printer on call. Priceless.) A quick click through their smartly-engineered site reveals that Minneapolis design legend Charles Spencer Anderson is a partner: do we have him to blame — or rather, thank? Whoever is responsible, this is one business worth promoting. And so we are.