July 22, 2016
Paris One Forty: Week Two
For 140 days in 2014, Jessica Helfand tweeted an image a day about her observations. Herewith, the second week of her visual diary.
Above a bookstore, a filagreed sign jutting out from a classic building. And about as far from Amazon as you can get. pic.twitter.com/ptHJK6UXoX
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 26, 2014
Vintage postcards for sale in a shop that sells nothing else — French history as seen through a very particular lens. pic.twitter.com/QiykLHSDkG
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 27, 2014
True — New York City may have its Fountain Pen Hospital — but here in Paris, there is actually a Fountain Pen Palace. pic.twitter.com/ZbgAWdJgM5
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 28, 2014
At first glance, a foreigner might take these for non-stop sardines. But in fact, they are “arête” — yes, boneless. pic.twitter.com/kodir7PxVA
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 29, 2014
To some, a mushroom is a hallucinogen. To others, a sad excuse for a vegetable. Here in Paris, they’re actually pink. pic.twitter.com/CDtC8HHd8A
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 30, 2014
Airy confections — inversely proportionate to the trim patrons who buy them. An aesthetic (and affordable!) delight. pic.twitter.com/P1sNimRdeu
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) August 31, 2014
In the Paris of my youth, there was always a pigeon on the statue of Benjamin Godard in the Square Lamartine. And is. pic.twitter.com/cvtdiYgXDE
— Jessica Helfand (@ParisOneForty) September 1, 2014
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By Jessica Helfand