November 7, 2016
The Three Amigos
Flanked by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. President George W. Bush addresses reporters on a road outside his ranch in Crawford, Texas. © Christopher Morris / VII
On Nov. 7, 2000 Presidential election was on this day. The extremely tight race was to be decided by the outcome in Florida. Based on Voter News Service projections from exit polls, The Associated Press declares Vice President Al Gore the victor in Florida and by 8:00pm the major TV networks call Florida for Gore. But by 9:30 pm Florida begins to look more uncertain as the vote totals accumulate more in favor of Texas Gov. George Bush. Bush, talking with reporters, says “The networks called this thing awfully early, but the people actually counting the votes are coming up with a different perspective. So we’re pretty darn upbeat about things.” By 10:00pm the state is too close to call and the networks begin retracting the projection that Gore wins Florida. Due to voting irregularities, certain districts of Florida are ordered to manual recount the ballots, a process that starts and is stopped through Supreme Court involvement. Finally, on December 13 Gores addresses the nation and accept Bush as the 43rd president.
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