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Alexandra Lange

Showing 61 – 72 of 433 results

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Want to Buy A Valentine?

You can buy a valentine handmade by someone else. You can send your beloved a vintage card using an app. But where's the romance in that?

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Married at Moss

Farewell to Moss, the Soho design shop that let buy (if not touch) our museum-quality dreams.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

A Memorial to (Random Access) Memory

What does "RAMAC Park" mean to you?

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Girard the Magnificent

Is it enough to be gorgeous? If so, Todd Oldham and Keira Coffee's 15-pound Alexander Girard wins Book of the Year.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Reinventing the Thermostat

What the designer of the new Nest thermostat didn't learn from Henry Dreyfuss.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

When Modernists Get Crafty

The Museum of Arts and Design's Crafting Modernism makes a good case for bringing back macrame.

Alexandra Lange|Lunch with the Critics

Lunch With The Critics: Second-Annual Year-End Awards

From Twitter to Apollo, Barbie to Occupy Everywhere: The best and worst moments in design for 2011.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Cooking with the Eameses

A new book chronicles one family's life with nine pieces of Eames.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Decorating Brutalism: The Interiors of Kevin Roche

How do you decorate a brutalist building? For architect Kevin Roche, the answer was brown, mirrors, and trees.

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Who Are We Competing For?

At the "Zoning the City" conference, planners insisted cities were in competition? But why are we so focused on the people who want to leave, rather than those who want to stay?

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Lessons from the High Line

How can the High Line become a new paradigm, and not a dead end?

Alexandra Lange|Essays

Tell Me a Story, ‘Urbanized’

A city is not a font or a toothbrush, so why, in Urbanized, does director Gary Hustwit treat them the same way?


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