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Rob Walker

Showing 73 – 84 of 174 results

Observed|Recommended Books

Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy

Rob Walker recommendeds Dave Hickey's "Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy".

Rob Walker|Essays

The Bizarro Storytelling Exercise

The Bizarro Story Exercise: The value in thinking hard about the worst.

Rob Walker|Essays

The Infrastructure of the Cloud

On the material structures we depend on to deliver us the immaterial digital world.

Rob Walker|Essays

Managing Digital Durability

Learning to manage the disconcerting durability of digital objects.

Rob Walker|Essays

Assignment Creativity

A chaotic and entertaining collection addresses "the art of the art assignment."

Observed|Recommended Books

Alien Phenomenology: Or, What It's Like To Be A Thing

Recommended Book: Rob Walker recommends Alien Phenomenology: Or, What It's Like To Be A Thing by Ian Bogost.

Rob Walker|Essays

Dancing About Ruins

Dancing about ruins: Can debris, detritus, junk, be useful creative material?

Rob Walker|Essays

Where We Work

The computer-screen desktop, considered as a category of work space.

Rob Walker|Essays

What To Make Of It? A Contest.

Inventing meaning for junk, through a Studio360 and Significant Objects story competition.

Rob Walker|Essays

"Screenshots of Despair"

Considering practica interactive-design elements as plaintive expressions of isolation.

Rob Walker|Essays

Stealth Iconography: Pinwheel of Death

Apple's "pinwheel of death" of stealth icon of machinery having a problem.

Rob Walker|Essays

The Ekphrasis-y Critique

Further thoughts on "dancing about architecture."


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