Category: Projects
Showing 49 – 60 of 130 results

Ernest Beck|Projects
IDEO announces a new nonprofit organization.

Chaz Maviyane-Davies|Projects
DéjÁ Vu
Designer Chaz Maviyane-Davies on the reappearance of an old invention.

Maria Popova|Projects
A streamlined approach to dismantling and recycling buildings.

Julie Lasky|Projects
Rock Girl Benches
Rock Girl in Cape Town offers real and symbolic safe places for girls and women.

Meena Kadri|Projects
Yoza stories are directed to African youth who are book-poor yet mobile-rich.

Julie Lasky|Projects
DesigNYC, Round 2
Report on second round of pro bono design initiatives fostered by DesigNYC.

Ernest Beck|Projects
Report on a visionary residential complex for aging gay boomers.

Ernest Beck|Projects
GlobalTap Update
GlobalTap water station update.

Maria Popova|Projects
Report on Alex Bogusky and Rob Schuham's COMMON project marrying capitalism and social change.

Jonathan Schultz|Projects
Give a Minute
Report on Local Projects' Give a Minute initiative to improve urban life.

Julie Lasky|Projects
MSC Greenhouse Project
On learning about science, nutrition and politics at the Manhattan School for Children.

Julie Lasky|Projects
Ripped from the Headlines
Johnny Selman is a third of the way through his year-long project to graphically enliven the news.