Chain Letters
Showing 13 – 24 of 42 results
Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Zachary Lieberman
“Tools and jobs will always change but the fundamentals stay the same.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Paul Pangaro
In my experience, an understanding of the processes of design and the means for expanding techniques and capabilities are a matter of practice and critique, tightly coupled.

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Dori Tunstall
“Designing is not about a job. Design is one of many pathways for doing meaningful work in the world.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters Recap

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Gail Anderson
“As a designer, I am sensitive to the way people consume information, and very concerned about the survival of print.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Joan Wong
“I’m not sure the experience between print and ebooks is really that different.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Jennifer 8. Lee
“In my line of work, sometimes you have to wait for the future to catch up.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Anna Gerber
“Readers and writers are open, adventurous, and eager to try new things. Even if those experiences are not always perfect.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Paul Moore
“Streaming has shocked new life into the music industry and the vinyl we all hold dear to our hearts. Now the platform is finding a new generation of ardent fans. As designers, that’s where we can influence a movement.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Emily Batson
“A key part of my job is collaboration. I enjoy the negotiation of finding a concept that truly works.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Frank Ockenfels 3
“I am a true believer of creating in the moment.”

Lilly Smith|Interviews
Chain Letters: Lawrence Azerrad
It‘s June, and you know what that means—the unofficial kick-off of summer concert season. This month, we examine design and music, and why fans everywhere benefit when these creative industries work in concert.
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Ellen McGirt
DB|BD Season 12 Premiere: Designing for the Unknown – The Future of Cities is Climate Adaptive with Michael Eliason

Alexis Haut
About face: ‘A Different Man’ makeup artist Mike Marino on transforming pretty boys and surfacing dualities

Alexis Haut