The Built World
Showing 13 – 24 of 30 results
Parking Meter History
The history of the parking meter — originally designed to have a positive affect on traffic flow and shopping.
Philip Nobel|Reviews
Oops: Understanding Failure
A review of To Forgive Design: Understanding Failure, by Henry Petroski.
Observed|New Ideas
A Campaign to Save The Post Office
Tucker Nichols is campaigning to save the Post Office.
Forgotten Tube Stations
A graphic tribute to the forgotten stations of the London Underground.
Celebrate World Toilet Day
2.6 billion people don't have access to a toilet. For them poop can be poison.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Knolling Your Polling Place
Knolling your polling place: for the next election, a little spatial organization would go a long way.
Rob Walker|Essays
The Infrastructure of the Cloud
On the material structures we depend on to deliver us the immaterial digital world.
John Thackara|Essays
Design In The Light of Dark Energy
A shortened version of a talk on why the world has to reduce energy consumption, the five per cent energy solution and some of the people around the world who are leading the way.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Lessons from the High Line
How can the High Line become a new paradigm, and not a dead end?
Alexandra Lange|Essays
An Atlas of Possibility
The Institute for Urban Design's By the City/For the City project provokes crowd-sourced possibilities for New York's future.
Alexandra Lange|Essays
Jane Jacobs Is Still Watching
Despite my dislike of Jane Jacobs's beef with architects and planners, so many points seem strangely prescient.
Roger Martin|Report
Design Thinking Comes to the U.S. Army
Design is almost overnight the centerpiece of military doctrine and the U.S. Army has gotten design thinking quite right. The struggle to get design thinking ensconced in Army doctrine, though, is no easy feat.
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