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Desperate Times/Desperate Measures

From: “Jenny Busby”

Date: July 29, 2009 11:47:27 AM PDT

Jessica Helfand
Subject: Winter House + Ford Fiesta

Hi Jessica,
I am contacting you on behalf of the Ford Fiesta Movement, a viral marketing campaign that puts the 2010 Ford Fiesta into the hands of (100) influential, social media stars (YouTube celebs, Twitterities, Bloggers, etc.) for 6 months.

Each month that the Agent’s have the Fiesta in their possession, they are responsible for completing one monthly mission and creating content around their mission in the form of twitter/facebook updates, YouTube videos, blog entries, etc that all tag to the live feed on the website as well as the agents personal sites.

August is social activism month and we would love to partner with Winter House to provide one of the Fiesta Agents with an exclusive opportunity to get a behind the scenes glimpse into how Winter House is inspiring artists to make a positive impact on the world.

In addition to having one of the agents visit your headquarters, we would also like to donate $500 to your organization.

Let me know if you want to jump on a call to discuss this further and answer any questions you may have about the program. In the mean time, check out the website.



Jenny Busby

Account Coordinator

Action Marketing Group

3020 Carbon Place, Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80301