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Home Recommended Books Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities

Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities

Vahram Muratyan
Penguin, 2012

Gertrude Stein’s famous formulation “America is my country but Paris is my hometown”. has been given an inventive twist by Vaham Muratyan in his new book Paris verses New York. Paris is Muratyn’s country and New York is his hometown. Through a perceptive and amusing series of opposing graphic depictions he teases out oppositions that make each city so different and yet so related. Food (boulette/burger; macaron/cupcake) culture (a hilarious depiction of Godard’s glasses frames vs Woody Allen’s) personalities (amelie/carrie, jospehine/Liza) and sense of place (cage/elevator, le periph/bridge and tunnel). Words don’t come close to the inventive cleverness of these conjunctions; it’s all about the graphics. You can get a sense of his work here. — Adam Harrison Levy

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