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Home Miscellaneous Week In Review: 05.26.12


May 26, 2012

Week In Review: 05.26.12

This week on Design Observer:

Adam Harrison Levy kicked off the week with a review of Fracesca Woodman’s Some Disordered Interior Geometries, an artist book featured in a retrospective of her work on view at the Guggenheim Museum.

In the third installment of Unusual Suspects, Kolean Pitner profiled Peter Seitz, a German-born graphic designer who was responsible for bringing ideals of European Modernism to the Upper Midwest in the 1960s.

Rick Poynor declared Jan van Toorn’s calendar for 1972/73 “one of the most extraordinary and provocative graphic artifacts of its era“.

Shannon Mattern explored Little Libraries in the Urban Margins.

David Cabianca wrote Graphic Design is Dead, Long Live Graphic Design in his review of the “Graphic Design: Now In Production” show.

Jessica Helfand answerd the question why we write about graphic design.

Accidental Mysteries looked at paper folding art.

We launched a funny new series – Signs We Love  – with a sign from Cape Town and another submitted by Eric Baker.

Also on our blog: we don’t [heart] NY when they arrest people for all the wrong reasons; we introduced you to Graphic Design : History in the Writing; announced a new site that explores NYC memories; and intoduced you to a cool Kickstarter project, Chip.